Friday, 12 December 2014

Emoji Book Tag

Emoji Book Tag

I saw this tag challenge on Grace's Youtube channel @ LovingDemBooks. You can check out her vlog post here!
The idea of this tag is you take your five most recently used emojis and match a book to it. Here we go....
Shocked emoji
I think that this probably best describes my reaction to the ending of Inheritance. This is a four part series by Christopher Paolini and each book is about 650 pages long. You can imagine how much time we invested in this series then, right? That's a lot of pages... and the ending was just horrible. It was terribly open and not what any of us where expecting and just.. *shocked face*!
Heart eyes emoji
I use this emoji all the time, especially when I am talking about books and fandom-related stuff. I think this face reminds me most of Forever by Maggie Stiefvater which is the last book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy. I love all of the characters very much and the romances are breath-takingly gorgeous. This face just summarise my emotional state that whole way through that book.
Blowing kisses emoji
I usually use this emoji when I am saying goodbye to one of my friends. A book that reminds me of saying goodbye and has some romance would be Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. This is the final book in one of my favourite series, The Infernal Devices, so it was really hard for me to say goodbye to it. It also ends with a lot of beautiful romantic scenes so this emoji is absolutely perfect.
Umbrella and rain emoji
I cannot remember why I used this emoji but the first book that popped into my head was The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I read this a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. It was sweet but gutsy, raw and emotional. I would definitely recommend it to Jodi Picoult fans or readers who enjoy adult contemporary books.
Sleepy emoji
Again, I am not sure when I used this emotion or in what context. A book that made me sleepy - because it was sooo tediously dull - was Delirium. I know that is one of people's favourites but I found it to have too much detail and not enough action. It was boring.

Did you enjoy this post? What are some of your favorutie emojis to use? Do they remind you of a particular book? Let me know what you thought in the comments below. Feel free to consideration yourself tagged if you want to participate in this challenge. Please leave a link back to me if you do though, so I can see your answers too.

My official tag isn't going to be anyone in particular. I wasn't tagged myself so it doesn't feel right to tag anyone.


  1. What, really? Inheritance is the last book I have yet to read and I am looking forward to it even though it is a really fat book. I hope the ending isn't too open... Delirium is an old one on my TBR that I have been pushing back out of laziness. I will get round to it... eventually...

    1. Inheritance was fantastic and I won't give away any more than that! The ending wasn't my favourite but you might like - its depends... its just a little controversial. Yeah, Delirium was sitting on my TBR pile for ages and ages before I picked it up too...
